Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Police authorities, customs and KTA conduct a search based on the order for the prosecutor under the suspicion of illegal trade and tax evasion

Prishtinë, 5th of December 2023
Kosovo Police, respectively the Unit for the Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption in Gjilan, with the assistance of the Anti-Smuggling Unit from the Kosovo Customs and KTA, in combating the informal economy, today on 05.12.2023 have executed the Order of the Basic Court in Gjilan. Based on this order they conducted a raid/search in a house and a bar/business in the green market in Gjilan due to the suspicion that the criminal offense “Illegal Trade” is being committed there.
During the raid/search operation in the above-mentioned house and bar/business, the following evidence was found and seized by the customs authorities:
• Cigarette filter “Grand” 8 packs X 50 pieces X 200 papers for cigarettes,
• Sheets for wrapping cigarettes 110 sets.
• Processed ground tobacco 104 X, 0.500 g.
• VIP cigarettes, 77 packs x 20 cigarettes.
• Malboro cigarettes, 62 packs X 20 cigarettes.
• NINE cigarettes 29 packs X 20 cigarettes etc.
There were initiated the cases for “Forbidden Trade” and “Tax Avoidance” were initiated in regular procedure, while all other actions were undertaken in coordination with the competent justice authorities.
General Statistics: 2025-01-14
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