Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Department of Operations

Departament of Operations


Oriented in respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, in legitimate and professional provision of services to citizens, in preservation and provision of public safety (life and property), in functioning of order units and making them responsible, in advancing of Policing in Community and strengthening of partnership with the community and relevant security institutions, in improving and keeping the road traffic safety, in efficient implementation of law and combating of criminal activities.


Professional, ethic and legal implementation of the duties and authorizations of Police of Order, during patrolling, investigation and service of other police activities, dedicated to the duty for service to citizens, keeping order, prevention and detection of illegal actions and detection of their perpetrators.

Director of Operations Department supports the General Director of Police in implementation of goals and strategic objectives for the organization. In this aspect, this authority implements and issues decisions, orders planning, leads on police operations, requires activities and concrete duties for subordinate units in central and local level, cooperates and coordinates with other safety institutions. In special operations of general safety, the Director of Operations Department coordinates and manages with operations including also other necessary departments.

The Director of Operations Department takes care for fair implementation of general police authorizations and fulfilling of strategic objectives of Kosovo Police, respectively to:

1.     protect the life, property and provide safety for all the persons

2.     protect the rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons

3.     prevent the risk to citizens and to maintain the public order and peace

4.     prevent and detect the criminal offences and their perpetrators

5.     supervise and controls the safety in traffic

6.     Treat equally all the citizens regardless their race, color, religion, gender and age.

7.     perform functions of assistance and services for citizens

8.     provide assistance during natural disasters and in other emergency cases

9.      perform other duties foreseen by the law in power





The Operations Department is one of the five (5) departments of the General Directorate of Police and within this department in central level there operate separately three (3) divisions which differ on their duties and orientation of police activities!

I. Division of Public Safety

Based on the basic principles of the Police Ethics Code, this division is engaged in fulfilling the main objectives of Kosovo Police, in implementation and respecting of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, laws in power, strategic documents and other legal procedures and instructions. Takes care that the Police of Order implements s the police strategies successfully, especially the Strategy and Action Plan of Policing in Community and Policing Strategy Led by the intelligence, in order to increase and strengthen the cooperation between the Police-community and to create a safer environment for citizens. Constantly aims the advancing of police professionalization, by training, supporting and motivating the police actions and behaviors with competence. Coordinates and support strongly the police activities in local level being directly involved in management and supervision of certain police operations. Identifies the needs for safety planning, drafting of Standard Operational Procedures and other police documents about the duties and additional police activities.

In the central level of Kosovo Police, this division is a reference body for all the issues of realization of operational activities in local level. In the authority of this body are conducted the operational planning for special situations foreseen by the high strategic level, the Operations Department and other Departments of Kosovo Police, coordinate and manage the human resources. It is also conducted the necessary cooperation and coordination with local institutions and other relevant agencies of safety.

In the Central level, within the Division of Public Safety there operate separately two (2) directorates that differ on their duties and orientation of police activities.

1.Directorate for Operational Planning and Evaluation

2.Directorate of Policing in Community and Prevention

While in Local level there operate eight (8) Regional Directorates of Police (RDP), where the respective police stations also perform the duties and activities (in total forty (40) Police stations)



1. RDP Prishtinë                                                          5. DRP Gjakovë

2. DRP Gjilan                                                               6. DRP Pejë

3. DRP Ferizaj                                                              7. DRP South Mitrovicë

4. DRP Prizren                                                            8. DRP North Mitrovicë


Directorate for Operational Planning and Evaluation,, If you don’t do planning, you have planned the failure!”

This Directorate operates within the Kosovo Police as a basic strategic unit for planning on issues of general safety and special operations. In this directorate are planned the order and operational plans which aim to achieve the objectives drawn by the senior staff of police or the assigned “General Leader of Operation”, operations that could have extension in one (1) or more regional directories, with inclusion of various police units and divisions or other departments of Kosovo Police.

In this directorate are planned all the operations dedicated to the security of personalities (VIP) in case of activities or international visits in our country, overall safety in conferences and important cultural events sports. Compilation of Standard Operational Procedures and other official documents for the Police of Order are another important duty. Cooperation and coordination with the State Protocol and with institutions of other safety agencies and emergency services (KSF, AME, SHM, SHZSH, etc), is another important duty, toward the functionality and advancing of police activities in the field.


3.      Directorate of Policing in Community and Prevention

 “Police is people and the people is police” is the saying that comprehensively and simply defines the role and aim of Kosovo Police, respectively Directorate of Policing in Community and Prevention which has an extension into all organizational levels of police. The aim of establishment of this Directorate is reflect in engagement and commitment of Kosovo Police to work, take care and increase the safety in community collectively with citizens. Furthermore, has the aim the establishment of a safer environment without fear of crime and other degenerative phenomenon in cooperation with local citizens and all local and international institutions and organizations that in their scope have the increases of life quality through the advance of safety in community. This pro-active police approach in the terminology of international modern safety is called Community Policing. The Community Policing or simply said police activities oriented in community, consist an important part of Kosovo Police and that is realized in accordance with the needs of community, a practice used from various developed countries of the world.

The Directorate of Policing in Community and Prevention covers a great part of the field of prevention of crime and negative phenomenon that potentially could occur in society. The prevention activities within this directorate are covered by four (4) various sections, which are:

1.      Section for Coordination of Projects;

2.      Section for Prevention of Crime and Delinquency of Minors

3.      Section against the Domestic Violence

4.      Section for Cooperation with Security Forums


II.   Division of Specialized Units ,, Everyone works to live, we live to work”

Division of Specialized Unit (DSU) is responsible for management and lead of specialized directorates, as unit of DSU to provide order and public peace, to provide support to the operational departments, divisions, KP directorates and other relevant agencies of the safety in country, according to the mission and duties for engagement of specialized units.

DSU supports its work on implementation of law, protection of life and property, maintain of order and public peace, identification and arresting of suspects and above all prevention of crime, always being supported in functional and organizational competencies and applicable laws in Kosovo.

Duties and authorizations of DSU and its subordinate directorates are in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, International Conventions, and Police Law of the Republic of Kosovo Nr.04/L-076 and in accordance with all other legal and sub-legal acts applicable in the Republic of Kosovo, which affect its scope.


DSU except the overall objectives of Police has also the following specific objectives:


1.     Provision of special services for VIP insurance and objects of special importance.

2.     Escorting of various local and international delegations.

3.     Convoying and extradition of suspects in various risk levels.

4.     Anti-terrorist examinations

5.     Arresting of persons with high risk

6.     Controlling of peoples crowds during various manifestations including: public gathering, cultural-sport manifestations, protests/demonstrations, etc.

7.     Assisting the departments, other police unit and governmental institutions

8.      Increasing and strengthening of cooperation with other relevant institutions of local and international safety for security issues: KSF, AME, EULEX, and KFOR.

Functional and important parts of the Division of Specialized Unit are: the Office of Operations & Resources and Threat assessment Unit and Volatility.


Within this division, there operate two (2) divisions separately, which differs on the duties and orientation of police activities;



Directorate of Special Units with its ELITE units;

1.1.Special Intervention Unit

1.2.Special Operations Unit

1.3.Unit with official dogs K-9

1.4.Unit for treatment of Explosives IEDD

Directorate for Securing of Objects with Special Importance and Personalities

2.1   Security Unit of Presidency-Assembly-Government

2.2  Close Protection Unit

2.3  Unit for Securing of  Ministerial and Presidential objects

2.4  Unit for Securing of Police objects

2.5  Unit for Securing of Diplomatic objects

2.6  Unit for Securing of objects of Cultural and Religious heritage.


III. Road Traffic Division Vehicle drivers and other participants in road traffic, we wish you: Always a good trip!

The mission of Road Traffic Division is to provide security services for all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo in the field of road safety, by implementing effectively the respective methodology combined with the contemporary technical-scientific achievements. While, the vision of this Department is the implementation of functional system for provision of effective safety in road traffic, by implementing the best local and international practices in accordance with the contemporary methods in the security fields in road traffic.

Road Traffic Police is part of Kosovo Police, whose main responsibility is to implement the laws in the field of road traffic, to provide safety, to prevent, react, investigate and manage the accidents in road traffic in and outside the urban areas.

According to the organizational structure of Kosovo Police, the Road Traffic division consists of two directorates:

1)     Directorate for Security and Supervision of Road Traffic, and

2)     Directorate for Prevention in the Road Traffic


Within the comprehensive system of providing safety in road traffic and decentralized management system of Road Traffic units, DKRR is responsible for strategic direction in addressing the safety in road traffic, analysis, evaluation, planning, and drafting of reports, analysis, strategies for integrated and sustainable development of traffic safety at the country level. DKRR also advises guides and coordinates the police units in the aspect of management and controlling of road safety in our country. While, in the operational level, DKRR is responsible for management and controlling of highways, escort of hazardous substances and important personalities. DKRR also inspects the road infrastructure in the Republic of Kosovo, by identifying and recommending to the central and local institutions undertaking of adequate measures to avoid and improve the current condition, with the aim to provide road safety. It also cooperates and coordinates various activities with local and international institutions.


Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës

z. Gazmend HOXHA

General Statistics: 2024-10-07
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed