Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Investigation Department

Investigation Department

Agron Nezaj

Director of the Investigations Department

The mission of the Investigation Department is prevention of criminality, detection and investigation of perpetrators of criminal acts, through collection and presentation of facts, evidences and proves, that prove the guiltiness or innocence of suspects for criminal acts, as well as taking the perpetrators in front of the justice. 
Also, a mission of the Investigation Department is establishment of a secure environment for community, by coordinating activities with other law enforcement organizations and institutions but especially with citizens.  
Also a mission of Investigation Department is the increase of the level of detection of criminal acts through professional advancement, modernization, cooperation and intensive engagement, with in the first hand community and other partners. 
The main objectives of the Investigation Department are professional, effective law enforcement, as well as increase the capacities in combating crime, especially organized crime and corruption.
Criminal phenomena of social complexity such as: Organized crime, corruption, serious crimes, violent extremism and terrorism, require multi-disciplinary approach in prevention, detection and catching perpetrators of these criminal acts, therefore the approach of Investigation Department is of a multi-disciplinary one. 
Investigation department pays special attention to strengthening capacities through training of police officers, advancement of equipment and increasing the cooperation between local authorities of law enforcement and international cooperation in exchange of information, joining criminal cases, seizure of property obtained through criminal acts, arresting suspected persons, destroying criminal groups as well as providing evidence to justice bodies. 
Regarding prevention and lowering the danger from violent radicalism, Investigation Department pays special attention to awareness raising, early identification, targeting and treating individuals and criminal groups.
Prevention and combating organized crime and corruption, serious crimes as well as terrorism involves a series of specific objectives:
1. Interagency and International Coordination and Cooperation;
2. Prevention and Combating Organized Crime, (trafficking with narcotics, human beings,  smuggling with migrants, weapons and cybercrime);
3. Prevention of Radicalism and Violent Extremism, conducting proactive and reactive investigations;
4. Prevention and combating Economic Crimes, Financial and Corruption as well as;
5. Increasing the Efficacy and Quality in investigational work of Police Investigators.
In order to implement duties and responsibilities Investigation Department is based on wide legislative bases, but not limited:
– Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo
– Kosovo Criminal Code;
– Kosovo Criminal Procedure Code
– Law on Police 
– Juvenile Justice Code
– Law on interception of Telecommunication 
– Law on Classification of Information and Security Clearances
– Law on Personal Data Protection 
– Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions
– Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism
– Law on Kosovo Police Inspectorate
– Law on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Affairs
– Law on International Cooperation
– Law on Prevention and Combating Cyber Crime
– Law on Administering the Confiscated or Seized Property 
Investigation Department also is based on International Conventions and Acts directly applicable in the Republic of Kosovo impacting the sphere of law enforcement.
– Universal Declaration of Humans Rights;
– European Convention for Protection of Basic Human Rights and Freedom and its Protocols and
– Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishments.
Investigation Department performs its duties and activities based on the on some other Administrative Instructions as well:
1. Administrative Instruction on Work Relation with Kosovo Police
2. Administrative Instruction on Spending Special Fund,
3. Standards and Methods on collection, storing, using and deleting personal data held by the Police
4.  Administrative Instruction regarding the method of performing police duties and authorization 
5. Administrative Instruction for Financial Experts
6. Administrative Instruction for IT-Forensics Experts
7. Administrative Instruction for establishing the Committee for Witness Protection
8. Administrative Instruction for the use of force by police officers
9. Administrative Instruction for standards and methods for collection, storing, using and deletion of personal data held by the Police
10. Administrative Instruction for managing and spending special police funds
Basis of functioning in the sphere of examination/expertise are also:
a. Standard Operational Procedure for Financial analysis, Audit and Expert
b. Standard Operational Procedure for computer analysis and Experts 
Divisions, Directorates, Sectors and Units within the Investigation Department, perform their works and activities based on the Standard Operational Procedures that are 22 in total. These Standard Operational Procedures deal with the scope of each directorate, section, unit etc. 
Principles (Policies) within the Manual of KP in the sphere of Investigation are:
a.  KP Covert Fund
b.  Domestic Violence
c.  Investigation of Sexual Assaults 
d.  Principles on Gender Equality
e.  Funds of Public Awards 
f.  Principle on Investigation of Counterfeit Money 
g.  Protection of Child Victims
h.  Principle on Donations
For performing works in preventing and combating crime, especially organized crime, except the legal acts, Kosovo Police respectively Investigation Department relies on bilateral/international agreements, signed in various spheres, among them: 
• 23 in the sphere of Police Cooperation 
• 6 in the Operational field,
• 9 with Eulex  as well as  
Signed agreements enable the cooperation with these countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, France, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Monte Negro, Sweden, Slovenia, Albania, USA, Turkey and Switzerland.
The Republic of Kosovo drafted many strategic documents in various fields, where the Investigation Department in one of the main actors in the implementation of these ones:
-Strategic Development Plan 2016-2020
-Annual Work Plan of Kosovo Police for 2016
-Annual Plan of Investigation Department
– National Strategy and Action Plan against Trafficking with Human Beings 2015-2019
– National Strategy and Action Plan against Organized Crime 2012-2017
– National Strategy and Action Plan against Drugs 2012-2017
– National Strategy and Action Plan against Terrorism 2012-2017
– National Strategy against Corruption 2013-2017
– National Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo in Crime Prevention 2013-2017
– National Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo in Prevention and Combating Informal Economy, Money laundry, Financing Terrorism and Financial Crimes 2014-2020
– Strategy against Counterfeit and Piracy 2012-2016
– Strategy for Cyber Security 2015-2018
– Strategy for Prevention of Violent Extremism and Radicalism leading to terrorism 2015 – 2020
– Strategic Plan on Protection of Childs from the risk in the internet 2015-2020
 – Strategy for Assistance in the Field of Law Enforcement 2016-2019
-State Strategy for Cyber Security – 2016-2019
Structure of Investigation Department
The Investigation Department is consisted of these subordinating Units:
1. Division for Crime Investigation
2. Division Against Organized Crime and 
3. Special Anticorruption Department/ Anticorruption Task Force
Crime Investigation Division (CID) operates within the Investigation Department in Kosovo Police (KP), which addresses the investigation issues, in fulfilling of tasks and provision of everyday services for citizens, for prevention and investigation of serious criminal offences.
Crime Investigation Division has its specific objectives such as:
1. Interagency and International Cooperation and Coordination in the field against serious crimes;
2. Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism, development of proactive and reactive investigations and;
3. Prevention and Combating of Economic, Financial and Corruption Crimes.
Crime Investigation Division (CID) is divided or systemized in five (5) Directorates:
a) Directorate for Investigation of Serious Crimes
b) Directorate for Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption
c) Directorate against Terrorism
d) Directorate for intelligence and Analysis
e) Directorate of Forensics
The Directorate for Investigation of Serious Crimes is a Directorate within the Crime Investigation Divison, which deals with the active and proactive investigation of cases, which with special emphasis affects in the overall safety, stability, or to the citizens in a wider range.
As a mission of the Directorate for Investigation of Serious Crimes is coordination of investigative actions with all the regional investigation units, in detection of criminal offences that are in competency of all levels, etc. 
The main activity of this Directorate is, investigation of criminal offences foreseen in KCC, such as:
• Offences against Constitutional Order and Security of the Republic of Kosovo ;
• Criminal Offences against the Life, Body and Property;
• Criminal Offences that Damage the Environment;
• Criminal Offences of War Crimes and Finding of Missing Persons and;
• Other Criminal offences of Causing General Damage and of the Great Importance for the Public.
Directorate for Investigation of Serious Crimes is divided into two section:
• Section for Investigation of Serious Crimes and 
• Section for Investigation of War Crimes
The Directorate against Terrorism is a specialized Directorate within the Investigation Crime Division, which was established relatively late (October 2006). Lot of work has been done in this Directorate, especially in increasing its capacities on human resources, work procedures, necessary means and equipment, as well as in operational and investigative works.
The vision of this Directorate is building of a society that lives in peace and without threats from terrorism, while as mission of this Directorate is to determine the objectives and strategic priorities, in order to prevent and combat the terrorism.
The main objectives of the Directorate against Terrorism are: to prevent and disable terrorists to recruit, planning to have influence and build legitimacy within Kosovo, which objectives must be achieved through all the legal and ethical forms, determined by applicable laws in the Republic of Kosovo and those International. 
Within these engagament are involved: investigations, collection of intelligence, maintenance and analysing of intelligence, use of secret investigation measures, conducting of clandestine operations, etc.
The aim of the Directorate against Terrorism is, prevention and combating through the increase of capacities, cooperation, coordination and efficient use of all agencies and local institutions, as well as cooperation with other legitimate and international institutions, but also protection of citizens of Kosovo, property and vital objects from all terrorist acts, and bringing to justice the individuals or responsible groups for committing, assistance or financing or planning of terrorist acts.
The Directorate against Terrorism is divided into two (2) Sections:
• Section of Intelligence and
• Section of Prevention and Investigations
The Directorate of Intelligence and Analysis is a particular Directorate within the Division for Investigation of Crime which is the “Centre of collection, coordination, leading and operational planning of Police intelligence within the KP”, and so is engaged in creation of a safer environment in Kosovo, by contributing in the prevention process of crime, strategic assessments regarding the criminal activities, identification of tense factors in society, as well as assisting in detection of perpetrators of various criminal offences and bringing them to the justice bodies.
The Directorate for Intelligence and Analysis is the central competent point for collection, analyzing and distribution of information and police intelligence.
The aim of the activity of this Directorate is proactivity through the police action before any criminal act occurs or consequences from the criminal activity.
The Mission of the Directorate for Intelligence and Analysis is to enable the functioning of Police led by Intelligence and partnership in approaching the orientation to the problem, by leading the intelligence process within the KP, while,  
The vision of this Directorate is to create an efficient unified system and effective of criminal intelligence, with the purpose that KP be lead more effectively and efficiently by the intelligence in creation of a safer environment for all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.
The main objective of the Directorate for Intelligence and Analysis is to be focused on collection of intelligence, proceeding, assessments, analyzing and distribution of intelligence as well as coordination between the units, in order to avoid double investigations, by consolidating the information from the units which are available and run this information to the responsible unit of investigation, and delivery of information in the responsible unit which is conducting the investigations.
The Directorate of Intelligence and Analysis is divided into three (3) Sections:
• Section of Analysis
• Support Intelligence Section and
• Section of Regional Units
The Directorate of Forensics is structured as a specialized directorate which operates within the Crime Investigation Division.
The functional task of this Directorate is: searching, finding, identification, documentation, collection and expertise of crime traces found at the scene.
The Directorate of Forensics provides technical-science services for Kosovo Police, Forensics Institute, justice bodies and other national and international organizations of law enforcement, when the need arises in terms of forensics.
Directorate of Forensics is divided into:
• Section of the Scene
• Section of Criminology photography and Photo-laboratory
• Section for Forensics Record
• Office of Resources
Division against the Organized Crime operates within the Investigation Department in Kosovo Police (KP), which is efficient and specialized for prevention and destroying the organized crime. The Division against the Organized Crime monitors and analyzes the fluctuation of the organized crime, based on the movement trends by presenting the need for change and supplement in organizational and functional structuring in planning for a more effective approach in prevention, investigation and minimization of criminal acts with elements of organized crime, and bringing the suspects to the justice bodies.        
The mission of the Division against the Organized Crime is determination of main work directions, in prevention and investigation of organized criminality into all segments, criminal prosecution of all perpetrators of criminal offences and bringing them to the justice, and also confiscation of property arising from the organized crime.
The main objectives of the Division against the Organized Crime are: Prevention and investigation of the organized crime in general, Smuggling with migrants, trafficking with human beings, weapons, narcotics, as well as investigation of Cyber-crimes.
Division against organized crime is divided or systemized into four (4) Directorates, which are:
• Directorate for Investigation of the Organized Crime
• Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with Narcotics
• Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with Human Beings
• Directorate for Investigation Support
The Directorate for Investigation of the Organized Crime is a directorate within the Division against the Organized Crime which is responsible on investigation of the cases of organized crime. This Directorate conducts investigation throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, cooperates with the police structures of other countries in common cases, exchanges police information etc.
The mission of the Directorate for Investigation of the Organized Crime is to prevent and investigate all the cases of organized crimes and arresting of individuals or criminal groups of the organized crime.
Among the main objectives of the Directorate for Investigation of the Organized Crime are: Determination of main directions of investigations in prevention and obstruction of criminal activities of individuals and various groups dealing with the organized crime and bringing them to the justice, investigation and arresting of all suspects for criminal activities of the organized crime, as well as international cooperation with police structures of international countries and institutions in combating of organized crime phenomenon.
The main activity of the Directorate for Investigation of the Organized Crime is the investigation of criminal offences such as:
• All criminal offences that may be related to organized crime;
• Intimidation during Criminal Procedure; 
• Smuggling with migrants;-
• Smuggling with weapons;
• Piracy; 
• Auto-crimes;
• All kinds of serious kidnappings;
• Computer/cyber-crimes (Access in computer system,  providing pornographic material under the age of 16, violation of secrecy of correspondence);
• Unauthorized Detection of Confidential Information;
• Transplantation of Human Organs; 
• Financial Integrated Investigations.
Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime is divided into three (3) Sections: 
• Section for Investigation of the Organized Crime
• Section of Financial Integrated Investigations
• Section of Investigation of Cyber-crimes


Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with narcotics is a specialized Directorate within the Division against the Organized Crime, established for the activity of prevention, investigation and detection of criminal offences dealing with the narcotic substances, precursors and analogues, according to the legislation in force, international convention of this filed, as well as international police cooperation agreements.
The Directorate for investigation of Trafficking with narcotics has as mission the efficient investigation of all cases of trafficking with narcotics, arresting of individuals or criminal groups dealing with the trafficking phenomenon and that have extension of criminal activities inside and outside the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, and at the same time identifies the victims of use of drugs. 
Among the main objectives of the Directorate for investigation of Trafficking with Narcotics are: Prevention, treatment and monitoring/research, initiation of cases, development of cases as well as detection of trafficking cases with narcotics.
The main activity of the Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with narcotics is, planning for prevention, investigation and development of more advanced methods in combating against the trafficking with narcotics (drugs), applying the team work and synchronization of all other police activities in prevention, combating and detection as well as collection of evidences and facts, in order to bring the suspects who are incriminated in criminal offences related to the narcotics, to the justice. 
The Directorate of Investigation of trafficking with narcotics is part of inter-ministerial group within the Office of National Coordinator against Trafficking with narcotics
Representation of DITN in this group has to do with the tasks arising from the National Strategy against the Trafficking with Narcotics and Action Plan.
The Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with Narcotics is divided into three (3) sections:
• Section of Regional Units
• Central Section of Narcotics Investigation
• Section for Cooperation and Prevention


The Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with Human beings (DITHB) is a specialized directorate within the Division against the Organized Crime, whose mandate is to conduct investigations and operations against-trafficking with human beings throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
Mission of the Directorate for Investigation of trafficking with Human beings is the efficient investigation of all cases of trafficking with human beings, arrest of individuals or criminal groups of the organized crime who deal with the trafficking phenomenon with beings who have extension of criminal activities inside and abroad the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, and at the same time, to refer and identify the trafficking victims, by involving all governmental and non-governmental partners operating on sheltering issue, re-socialization, reintegration and volunteer repatriation of foreign victims in the country of origin..
Among the main objectives of the Directorate for Investigation of trafficking with Human beings are: Prevention of trafficking phenomenon with human beings, investigation, arrest and criminal prosecution of perpetrators of criminal offences of trafficking with humans, protection and assistance of trafficking victims as well as creation of security conditions for their reintegration and re-socialization in society and family, and volunteer repatriation of foreign victims in the country of origin, and international cooperation with countries and institutions in combating of trafficking phenomenon.
The Directorate of Investigation of Trafficking with Human Beings is part of inter-ministerial group within the National Coordinator Office against the Trafficking with Human beings.
Representation of DITHB in this group has to do with the tasks arising from the National Strategy against Trafficking with Human Beings and Action plan.
The Directorate of Investigation of Trafficking with Human Beings has close cooperation with Partners of direct assistance for the trafficking victims (PDA), as well as other Agencies related with Trafficking Victims.
Directorate of Investigation of Trafficking with Human beings is divided into three (3) Sections:
• Section of Regional Units
• Central Investigation Department of Human Trafficking
• Section for Assistance and Protection of Victims


The Directorate for Support of Investigations is a specialized directorate within the Division against Organized Crime, which is established for supporting investigative activities and which through the utilization of specific technical-operational methods, helps in collection of information and provision of evidences in order to successfully, prevent and combat the organized criminality and other forms of serious crimes.
This Directorate is responsible for application of secret measures of interception and investigation, as well as application of particular methods of investigation.


Special Anti-corruption Department (SACD) or so-called ‘Anti-corruption task force’ is part of KP which operates as a specialized unit within the Investigation Department and has the aim to prevent, investigate and detect the criminal offences against the economy, finances and corruption. 
Special Anti-corruption Department was established according to the Government decision no-02/110 dated 26/02/2010, for investigation of sensitive cases with corruption and financial character within the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo.
Special Anti-corruption Department as a mission has the investigation and combating of criminal offences of high Corruption level in the Republic of Kosovo.
Special Anti-corruption Department together with the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo makes investigation of perpetrators of criminal offences, tracking, catching, and documentation of criminal activity and bringing of suspects to the justice bodies.


Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës

z. Gazmend HOXHA

General Statistics: 2024-08-13
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed