Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo police arrested a suspect who compromised over 300,000 bank cards of an EU country  |   Kosovo Police arrests two suspects and searched three locations  |   Some of the results and achievements of the Kosovo Police during the period of 2024  |   The Kosovo Police, Directorate of Community Policing and Prevention calls for increased caution in the use of social networks  |   Kosovo Police arrests one suspect for usury  |   Kosovo Police confiscates large amount of money suspected to be counterfeited  |   Kosovo Police arrests a person with the an international arrest warrant  |   The speech of the General Director Colonel Gazmend Hoxha  |   Critical infrastructure of the “Ibër Lepenci” water canal attacked  |   Security measures increased for the provision of order and public safety throughout the country  |  
On the occasion of the end-year holidays, Kosovo Police wishes all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo happy holidays!
Kosovo Police organizes a workshop on the review of the Integrated Intelligence Led Policing and Community Policing Strategy
“Kosovo Police General Director Gazmend Hoxha and executive staff expressed appreciation to Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier on his retirement
Joint exercises at the Special Units Camp in Vrella
General Director of Kosovo Police with its associates, participated in the annual conference of International Association of Chief’s of Police 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts
The Kosovo Police General Director, Colonel Gazmend HOXHA, visits police officials in the north of the country
Kosovo agency commanders attend the IADLEST conference in United States
Policia e Kosovës për herë të parë merr një letër urimi nga Departamenti Amerikan i Drejtësisë – The Kosovo Police for the first time receives a congratulatory letter from the U.S. Department of Justice – Kosovska Policija prvi put dobila pismo čestitke od Ministarstva pravde SAD
The Department of Justices’ International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program, in partnership with the Kosovo Police
Kosovo Police spokespersons made a study visit to the Welsh Police
On the occasion of the end-year holidays, Kosovo Police wishes all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo happy holidays!
Kosovo Police organizes a workshop on the review of the Integrated Intelligence Led Policing and Community Policing Strategy
“Kosovo Police General Director Gazmend Hoxha and executive staff expressed appreciation to Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier on his retirement
Joint exercises at the Special Units Camp in Vrella
General Director of Kosovo Police with its associates, participated in the annual conference of International Association of Chief’s of Police 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts
The Kosovo Police General Director, Colonel Gazmend HOXHA, visits police officials in the north of the country
Kosovo agency commanders attend the IADLEST conference in United States
Policia e Kosovës për herë të parë merr një letër urimi nga Departamenti Amerikan i Drejtësisë – The Kosovo Police for the first time receives a congratulatory letter from the U.S. Department of Justice – Kosovska Policija prvi put dobila pismo čestitke od Ministarstva pravde SAD
The Department of Justices’ International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program, in partnership with the Kosovo Police
Kosovo Police spokespersons made a study visit to the Welsh Police


Kosovo Police has recently launched its online traffic fines control platform. This service is provided in real time to inform you about the status of fines for each driver.

Report any crime that harms our society and you.

We will take legal action and your identity will be confidential.

The Internet is important but cybercrime is endangering societies and businesses around the world. Be careful!
Report Kosovo Police in time!

Such persons have committed crimes and are dangerous to anyone. Share any information about these people with the Kosovo Police.

Contribute to greater awareness and prevention of crimes with the Kosovo Police.

Our objectives are clearly defined. Our action plans and strategy are for a peaceful, secure and worry-free future for all citizens regardless.

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Awareness campaign

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed