Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Deputy General Director of KP


Name Surname: Fehmi Hoti    

Date of birth: 11.10.1970

Place of birth: Carallukë Malishevë 

Marital status: Married, two children

Residence: Prishtina


Master of Judicial Science

Faculty of Political Science – Security Policies


2021 – Deputy General Director of Kosovo Police

2019 – Director of the Regional Police Directorate - Prishtina

2010 - 2019 – Director of the Division of Crime Investigation

2009 - 2010 – Director of the Directorate of Intelligence and Analysis

2007- 2009 – Regional Deputy Commander for Administration

2006 - 2007 – Chief of the Regional Operative

2005 - 2006 – Chief of Regional Investigation

2004 – 2005 – Shift leader

2002 – 2004 – Patrolling officer, Police Station Rahovec, RPD Prizren



Participant in trainings inside and outside the country, with the scope mainly in the security topic:

Ø  Executive program in the Advanced Security Studies (George C Marshall) European Center for Security Studies in Germany

Ø  Executive development program for law enforcement (ILEA-Roswell SHBA)

Ø  Conference for training on drug investigation on the state and federal level (USA)

Ø  Training: The Combating of the International Organized Crime and Terrorism (BKA Germany)



Participant in conferences, study visits and operations at:

FBI- (Federal Bureau of Investigation) USA, BKA- German Federal Criminal Police, DEA- USA, and partner police institutions form other countries.


Dejan Janković started his law enforcement career in September 2000 as a patrol police officer of Kosovo Police Service in Štrpce police station. During his work in station he worked in several units and positions (investigation, community police unit, patrol shift leader, etc).  With promotions Mr. Jankovic has worked in various positions; sergeant – shift supervisor 2001-2002, lieutenant- deputy station commander 2002-2003. 

With rank of captain he becomes station commander in 2003 with task to prepare station for transition from UNMIK to KPS. With same duty he was redeployed to the Gnjilane police station as a deputy station commander and after successful transition he becomes Chef of Regional Traffic Unit in Gnjilane where he stays until 2004.

For one year he was back in Strpce to reorganize police station and to improve functionality, multiethnic relation and professional behavior. In October 2004 he was promoted to the rank of Major.

In beginning of 2005 he started to work on project of creating new (sixth) regional command in Uroševac, were shortly after he become Deputy Regional Commander for Administration and promoted in rank of Lieutenant Colonel 

In September 2005 Jankovic was promoted to the rank of Colonel and he gets position of Regional Commander in Gnjilane. Unfortunately he didn’t stay long on that position because he survives an ambushed attack going back from duty by unknown perpetrators but he received injuries that were not life-threatening. 

After Mr. Jankovic is recovered, in February 2006 he becomes Deputy Minister in newly established Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he stayed until January 2008.

Mr. Jankovic returns to the Kosovo Police Service in the Directorate for Policy Analises and finally in February 2009 he was appointed on the position of Deputy General Director, of Kosovo Police.

Mr. Jankovic graduated from the Bachelor level at "Union" Busines Menagement, and academic studies Master he graduated in 2015.


Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës

z. Gazmend HOXHA

General Statistics: 2024-06-03
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed