Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The President of the Republic of Kosov...

Prishtina, 31st of December 2023 As we have informed you through an official letter, on the New Year…

The General Director of the Kosovo Pol...

Pristina, December 14, 2023 General Director of Kosovo Police, Colonel Gazmend HOXHA, associated by Deputy Director of the…

Kosovo Police through various awarenes...

Director of Police Colonel Hoxha with ...

Drejtori i Policisë kolonel Hoxha me bashkëpunëtorë dhe stafin e Ambasadës Amerikane kanë marrë pjesë në konferencën e…

Kosovo Police receives a donation of (...

Policia e Kosovës pranon donacion (6) drona nga Ambasada Amerikane si dhe IPK-ja pranon (1) dron Prishtinë, më…

On 06.10.2023 in the Vrellë Camp of K...

On 06.10.2023 in the Vrellë Camp of Kosovo Police Special Units, after the 12 week training, the graduation…

General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. ...

The General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. Gazmend Hoxha with its staff, visited Bunjaku family and on behalf…

Kosovo Police received from OSCE the d...

Prishtinë, September 27, 2023 On September 27, 2023, in the Special Unit Camp “Vrella”, the General Director of…

The commemorative meeting in the honou...

Prishtinë, September 25, 2023 On September 25, 2023, on the occasion of the heroic fall of police sergeant…

Pukovnik Gazmend Hoxha dočekao je sta...

Danas, 22.09.2023, u Generalnoj Direkciji, pukovnik Gazmend Hoxha, Generalni direktor Policije Kosova, dočekao je stalnog predstavnika UNDP-a na…

General Statistics: 2024-08-13
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed