Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo Police officially begins the im...

Prishtinë, 1 August 2023 On August 1, 2023, in an official conference, the General Director of Kosovo Police,…

The general director of the Kosovo Pol...

Pristina, June 29, 2023 Today, on 29.06.2023, the general director of the Kosovo Police, Mr. Gazmend Hoxha, together…

Kosovo Police received a donation of f...

Prishtinë, 22 May 2023 In the continuation of the help and support to the Kosovo Police (KP), the…

Today, on 19.05.2023, the Deputy Gener...

Sot me datën 19.05.2023 zëvendësdrejtori i Përgjithshëm i PK-së, z. Fehmi Hoti, me menaxhmentin e lartë të PK-së,…

Kosovo Police participating in the int...

Prishtina, 17th of May 2023 Colonel Taibe Canolli-Brajshori, Director of the Human Resources Department, associated by Mrs. DOJ-ICITAP…

Kosovo Police director Mr. Hoxha hoste...

Today, on 26th of April 2023, in the premises of the General Directorate of the Kosovo Police, Mr….

On 6th and 7th of April 2023 at the pr...

Me datën 06.04.2023 & 07.04.2023 në ambientet e Stacionit Policor ‘Qendra’ në Prishtinë, ka filluar nënshkrimi i kontratave…

On 6th of April 2023, the General Dire...

On 6th of April 2023, the General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. Gazmend Hoxha, hosted the ambassador of…

General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. ...

Prishtina 29th of March 2023 On 29.03.2023 at the General Directorate of Kosovo Police in Prishtina, General Director…

Kosovo Police Management visited Jasha...

Prishtinë, 14 mars 2023 The General Director of Kosovo Police, Colonel Gazmend Hoxha, accompained by the senior management…

General Statistics: 2024-08-13
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed